Try not to repeat the mistakes

We all are guilty of doing certain things in life which we regret later. Sometimes we happen to do them knowingly and sometimes it happens due to our involvement, though our intent was not bad. In either case, it haunts us later. With time, as we get wiser and we look back we feel sorry for it and hope to reverse them. While we may be able to repair some damage but to undo all of it is not possible. The realisation of our mistakes itself is a big thing. We need to forgive ourselves. We should do more good in the future and try not to repeat the mistakes. That will be good enough to get over with the guilt.

Come forward. Help others.

Come forward. Help others. Go out of your way. Do what it takes. Make lives better. There is no need to look for rewards while you do this. No appreciation can truly reflect your contribution. Do it selflessly. Shun the limelight. Start with changing one life. Increase the number. Go limitless. When you take the lead you inspire many others to follow you. It will make your job easier. Over time you shall realise; all the while you were helping others, it were you who was getting the help.

Take the challenge head on

You think you can’t do it but you are wrong. Just because you never tried it before doesn’t mean you can’t learn it now. When we are given a bigger role, we are also given hidden capabilities to handle them. It is just that we need to uncover them. Many a times, we can do things in a better way which were until now looked after by someone else. When you enter into an unchartered territory, you can learn things faster than you think. It’s all in the mind. Take the challenge head on. Consider it done and you will already be half way through. You can do more. Get this in your head.

You need to ask yourself

If family is your priority, you need to ask yourself; how much time you spend with them? If you think you are an expert in your field, you need to ask yourself; how many more experts you have created? If you think freedom of time is important, you need to ask yourself; how much you time you give to your personal life? If you think health is wealth, you need to ask yourself; do you eat healthy and exercise? Thinking and doing are two different things. The period of thinking is over. The time to take action is now.

Keep the bond of friendship alive

It was raining cats and dogs. His heart was racing. He was still quite a distance away. Driving at breakneck speed, he was sweating even at zero degree temperature. He was a top doctor. His childhood friend was fighting for his life. Twenty years ago,it was because of his financial support he could become a doctor. Directions changed and they never met again. Today was his time to keep the bond of friendship alive. He was the world’s best. Yet, his friend meant the world to him. All he wanted was his friend to hold on for some more time. And he drove like never before. And he prayed like never before.

Sometimes, people you love become selfish

Sometimes, people you love become selfish. They may care about you but they don’t respond the way you expect. They may have their own reasons. This might hurt you. Yet, you don’t give up. You keep trying to get their attention but in vain. The problem is; you can’t change your feelings for them and it could frustrate you. Finally, you give up. This giving up is good. It doesn’t mean you stop loving. You simply stop expecting. You start understanding the meaning of true love. To feel. To care. To give freedom to them to live their own way. All the while learning a new way to love, silently.

Some people are born leaders

Some people are born leaders. They are extremely good at managing people. It comes naturally to them. They reach the pinnacle of power and command and yet, they remain humble and treat fellow human beings with utmost respect. They are also lethal when it comes to decision making. Not that they misuse their position but because as leaders they are required to make tough calls. If you don’t consider yourself lucky enough to have such qualities early on, there is another way. Be in the company of such men and one day you will become a leader yourself.

Problems will always be a part of life

Take problems head on. Solve it then and there. Decision paralysis is worse than bad decision. Take a view and move ahead. Some calls will go right. Few will go wrong. Don’t worry about it. Delaying things is only going to cause more trouble later. When you become a problem solver, you won’t have them anymore. The best way to judge your day is to see if you get a good sleep or not. Problems will always be a part of life. How we handle them is what we need to learn.


If you think the world lacks people who act fairly, you be one. Instead of complaining, lead the way. Once you embark on the path of integrity you must not stop. You will face numerous challenges. It will be a herculean task to create your space in a system which initially doesn’t reward people who are fair. You will be treated as the odd lot, an outsider. What you thought was easy will seem impossible. Your existence will be threatened. You could fail in your endeavors. It is only when you don’t give up, you could climb the mountain. Once you reach the top, you will become an example and inspiration to many. Are you willing to take this chance?

Live your present

The problem is not that you don’t know. It is just that you are not able to look into the future and see how your current actions are going to impact you later. Closing your eyes, you wish to stay in the comfort of present. Today, you can make choices which can shape your tommorow’s but you can’t do anything tomorrow to repair or change your past. Many good calls will help for a few years. One bad decision can hurt you for lifetime. Live your present but not at the cost of your future. It is waiting to come. And it will come.